Herringthorpe Junior School
Herringthorpe Junior is the lead school in Willow Tree Academy which was born out of the aspiration that all children should have the same entitlement to the profound primary educational experience they deserve. We ensure all our children are safe from harm and build the emotional resilience, values, skills and knowledge that they need to go on to lead happy and fulfilling lives. We are proud to tell you that taking our outstanding provision to our partner schools, Greasbrough, Roughwood and Rockingham means they are all officially good schools with outstanding features.
Herringthorpe Junior School is an outstanding school that serves its community by working in partnership to provide an education of the highest quality through an understanding of shared values. It is a 3 form entry junior school with roughly 90 pupils in each year group and around 360 pupils on roll, aged from 7 to 11 years old.
Herringthorpe Junior School’s mission statement states a commitment to ‘engaging hearts and minds in the joy of learning’. It is a multicultural school that is built on the British Values of respect and empathy. Teamwork, creativity, taking responsibility, and enabling a high sense of personal self-esteem are just some of the qualities that the school aims to develop in children. Through a Restorative Practice approach, the school enables children to care for each other and to learn and play together well.
Each year the school goes from strength to strength with the belief that every day is special and no time can be wasted in the pursuit of excellence. Herringthorpe is very fortunate to have such an incredibly talented team who ensure every child has the very best profound primary experience possible.
Contact details for Herringthorpe Junior School
Email: herringthorpe@willowtreeacademy.org
Call: 01709 828168
Website: www.herringthorpejuniors.com
Head Teacher: Mrs Mandy Adams
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Joanne Evans